Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Jamaican Wedding

So how many parents get invited by their children to go with them on their Honeymoon? When we heard that our son, Daniel and his fiance, Megan were planning their wedding to be in Jamaica, I thought that Sue and I would be missing out on their wedding. But the kids were inviting us and her parents to come along.

We had several month to see if we could afford it without taking out a loan, and it worked out that we could. So we pursued getting our Passports, reserving our flight and resort, and shopping for swimwear.

The trip started out a little rough with a delay of our departure flight out of Fayetteville International due to fog. Sitting on the Tarmac knowing that we only had about 30 minutes to spare to make our connecting flight in South Carolina, we were starting to stress. When we hit the ground, we hit the ground running just barely making our flight for Jamaica, avoiding a 24 hour wait for the next flight. I was starting to have my doubts about this trip.

By the end our our 5 days in Jamaica, I will have to declare this was one of the best times we have ever had. But I will save all of that for another occasion as this is about the wedding.

So what do you get, when you take a very handsome young man and a very beautiful young lady, who are obviously deeply in love and join them in marriage in a uniquely exotic location? All I can say is it was magic!

I took a number of pictures of the ceremony on the Jamaican Beach in front of the Couples Nigrel Resort, and later put them into video format, and the results are simply beautiful.

See the video presentation of the Wedding of Daniel and Megan. Click Here!

To Daniel and Megan.
Live High....
Live Mighty....
Live Righteously....

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